Mixed in with the ‘rich’ smells of Victoria Market, North Melbourne offers the viewer an eclectic mix of typography. Having undergone recent gentrification, the area has managed to maintain a good proportion of the historical signage along with some very exciting newer additions.Her bor jeg. Courtney street, North Melbourne. Det er mye fint her faktisk. Dette regner jeg som research, fordi jeg skal designe et wayfinding system for bydelen Docklands. Så det er ikke et resultat av at jeg bare surfer på internett istedenfor å gjøre skolearbeid nei. Dette er hardt arbeid.
1. Royal Exchange Hotel The kerning between the letters in the word ROYAL in this hotel is legendarily (to some). | 2. Joe Taylor Recently uncovered during the conversion of an old shopfront into a bar, this is a magnificent specimen of signage. | 3. Tenant Dispute We’re so unused to seeing a typographic dialogue in a public space (Lancashire Lane in North Melbourne) that I found its honesty alarmingly captivating, refreshing and honest. This was not an exercise in professional seduction through image to further consume a product or service, but rather a tale of a landlords tale of woe about the maintenance of his building. Exactly what the aim of this extraordinary visual expression is not known; as a public announcement of frustration aired to the passer-by it is singular in its effect. | 4. Bulla Cream Another conversion. Another piece of type celebrated as a remote historical symbol – though it must be said that the letter proportions are very interesting indeed – and very telling of its 1928 vintage.
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