This is what i'm doing when I should have been doing my homework. Thx alot Mats for getting this idea in my head. Bought this nice mini (gluten free) orange almond cupcake as a treat to my self, because i was supposed to sit home all day doing homework. But no. Taking photos and making stupid images in photoshop, that is way more fun. Oh well, cupcakes are my favourite procrastination anyway. Yesterday this and this followed by a little bit of this is what I was doing for about three hours. When I most definitely should have been doing something else.
Hahaha, jeg har også vært inne og sett på cupcake-bilder når jeg egentlig skal gjøre andre ting! De er så syykt fine og ser utrolig gode ut! sikle. Liker de små cakes'a som har tatt seg turen ut i rommet også! :D